Engine Install with TTI Headers

i have ttis and ran my stainless lines alright...they come close to touching but so does everything else under there.

What..you ran your orginal lines without a touch...well you lucky-man! I agee, everything is tight and close is alright if not touching....

Well, my headers (TTIs) were laying against the orginal cooling lines and the lines had no slack at all for any amount of extra bending or to move them out of the way of the headers. Perhaps "some" models cooling lines were located a tad diffrently or (somewhat).

The problem being, and the way I see it is that these arn't "heating" lines, there "cooling" lines. Any extra hot spots on them or laying against header tubes won't or can't help keep your trans any cooler.

Perhaps again this is no big deal - Just my point of view Valiant Kid.