1971 dealership picture

I tell my son, (in the Avatar with his 74 Dart Swinger) that those were the days! You could easily custom order a car. You had a wide choice of color / engine combinations. Each year the car had a different look, ( as oppossed to the current 4-6 year run on most body styles you see now). MOPARS looked like Dodge. Chrysler, Plymouth cars and not like everything else out there, foreign and domestic. You could get actual flyers / brochures of cars, rather than being told to look on line for information. I was 9 years old in 1971. My first car was a 1969 Dodge Ploara I paid $300 for in 1979 at the age of 15. Imagine buying a car thats only 10 years old for $300 now! I hope my son cherishes his first car and keeps it forever, because I sure wish I had.