Rebuild #2 Progress

OK kiddies, sit back and get ready for re-build #2. For those newbies, I killed my freshly rebuilt 360 late last summer after a summer long agonizing assembly due to parts snafu's, e-Bay "Deals", and various other moments of a lack of normality. Pulled it apart last October and just recently I got (almost...) everything to screw it back together. Today we fired up the compressor and spun an air drill armed with a small wire brush and I cleaned the entire block. Two coats of some epoxy basecoat, and 3 coats of color. NICE! Then I gathered up a few things and went to my shop and tanked them. Tomorrow I install rings and start assembly of the lower end.

Pictures tomorrow. I promise....:thumrigh:

And this signature picture WILL be replaced. The aluminum heads are going to be sooooo bitchin!