Fiberglass Fenders ???

Where my finger is just needs to be made thinner. Basically yes it sets too high. It allows the front of the fender (where it bolts to the core support) to drop to the right or clockwise if you wish on the left fender (ps) and to the left or counter clockwise on the right fender(ds) so the holes line up. The hole for the headlight bucket is already cut. The holes for the adjuster screws have to be square so you have to start with a drill bit smaller than the square needs to be then use a small file to finish. Do the same with the nylon posts for the grill. It just takes some time and patience. You may find some small pits (air bubbles) or small imperfections that may need a very small amount of filler. Mine had two small places on the front edge on the passenger side. Overall I am very pleased. Just need the time to finish the car.