plating a 70 Duster in Ontario questions

The Ontario license bureau wants a receipt and an appraisal, they will charge you tax based on the higher amount. The appraisal is now done on a form that they will give you. You need a licensed car appraiser to do the form. Actually, you can fill in the form yourself, but you need the car appraisers license number and signature which they will punch into the computer to verify, so trying to scam them won't work. The only way around this is to know an appraisers number already. These appraisers usually charge about $150, give or take, for an appraisal. Make a photocopy for your records! Next time you need an appraisal, just copy their number and other pertinent info and then you can avoid paying them again...but that's lying, it's just one way some people do it. :)

This appraisal is strictly for sales tax, so you want it done when the car is in AS IS condition and you want it to be a low amount. Once you fix it up, you will want another appraisal done for insurance purposes. This appraisal you'll want to reflect a higher amounts in case of accident.