Buying and Selling in this Economy

This economy is governed by many factors that have not a damn thing to do with the price of tea in China. This economy is driven by " PANIC".That's right. An election year is not always good for cash flow situations. Goes along with the stock market. Panic driven. Someone mentions this or that about something that don't a have a thing to do with nothing and a stock goes down or up. No real meaning to any of it. Banks were loaning money and all was well. Fannie and Freddie burped and people freaked out. People stopped spending and buying and companies pulled in the reins and laid off empolyees and dropped production. The same money is out there and now they bail out banks that don't need bailed out and takes the money and buys other banks instead of loaning it out for stimulation purposes and then everyone gets on the band wagon and screams "HELP" and everything is bad. Now Ford says they can make it because they don't want government to tell em to take a pay cut at the top level. Don't blow smoke up my *** and tell me this is gona feel good. Same panic driven economy with the ripple effect. We all need to get a job selling seats in the senate. Woops!! Wrong forum.