building my own wire harness

In the time vs. money side you would be better off buying a universal type harness like this one from painless and buying the terminals through either Del city or through your local parts house and repinning your original connectors. You can buy universal type kits cheaper than all the correct wire and a good quality fuseblock alone and half the work is already done for you. On the other side if your time is worth nothing to you then go for it and build your own harness. I have done it in the past on cars. That is a route I will never go again. Too much of a pain in my opinion. And always remember when buying wiring harnesses. You do get what you pay for. There are a lot of companies out there that sell what appears to be about the same thing and there can be almost $200 difference in them. Some are becasue of the quality of components used and/or they just coppied someone else's design. Happens in all form of parts as most here know.

Totally agree. I did my own because I am an electronics technician and thought why pay for something I can do. I took a week off to do some work on my car and it took me 3 of those days to just rebuild/modify the wiring harness and get it positioned on the car. More time later to get everything neatly hooked up. Never again. On my job I would have made about $140 per day and figuring it took me 3+ days to do it the harness cost me $420 in labor and anther $50 in supplies whereas I could have have bought it for half that and only had a half a day hooking everything up.