The worst day ive had in recent history..

So I cruised on into work today..raining but very warm for December (59 degrees) Was in a pretty good mood for a Monday .I walk into work and bang, laid and 10 other guys for the foreseeable future ...two weeks before Christmas ...I'm crushed... the wife and I were looking forward to taking this place we looked at with a few more bedrooms for our growing family. Now we are wondering how we are going to pay the bills. Ill never understand how a company can let you go so close to a holiday ..its disrespectful especially to someone who has 11 years in the company.

Im going to look into possibly selling the Demon if I cant make ends meet, im sure you know family comes first and ive got an 8 month old to look out for. It amazes me how in the last year with things as bad as they are the execs have been spending money like it was water for important things like new leather office chairs and oak desks for their overinflated egos.

Also i might add we helped put up the company Christmas tree outside our theater(30 foot tall) it was asked of us due to the poor economy that we donate our time to do it for free ..we had to run power wrap it in lights and then decorate it.. the night it was lit the general manager spoke about the importance of community and family and how we were all in this together this was THIS PAST THURSDAY....son of a *****.... Now he keeps his job and beside our departments 10 good men 180 others have no job after the end of this week ...200 total company layoffs. Merry Christmas huh?

Want to see some irony on top of it all ...I finally after so long made the organization list and will be receiving my union card this coming year ....The acceptance letter came this very day in the order for me to be eligible for this coming years cards I need to complete several classes totaling 650 dollars..perfect timing really sucks sometimes :angry7: