The worst day ive had in recent history..


Wow dude, that really sucks. I am so sorry to hear about that. I am with you, I truly dont understand how big wigs, can look you in the eye, tell you a bunch of warm fuzzy bullshit about community and family, and all that... all the while knowing they're about to put the screws to you.. and hard. Where I work, they do the same things, ***** about the economy, no money in the budget for raises, but oh look.. they have new vehicles, suddenly the whole building gets new carpet and wallpaper (which it didnt need), and as you said, new office furniture... Burns my *** to see the high priced furniture show up, and be marched right past all the hardworking employees who will never even get to use it... it just sucks

I hope you and your family still manage to enjoy the holidays, and I feel confident that you will get things back on track soon.. I hope you dont have to part with the Demon, but I understand what you said.. family always comes first.. Keep your head up, and keep us posted...