The worst day ive had in recent history..

That really sucks, man. I hope things work out for you and your family.

Many businesses operate in the black by only a slim thread in that they do not have piles of cash available to "tide things over" until things level out. In fact, many businesses, those with big accounts receivable dollars yet to be paid, operate day-to-day with open lines of credit from banks. For example, many companies sell their product and must await payment from the purchaser. Well, electricity, raw materials, salaries, taxes, etc. must all be paid while waiting for the checks to come in. Sometimes the purchaser is in the same situation and they ask to delay payment or don't pay at all. The overhead costs still must be paid. So, the companies actually borrow operating cash from a bank to tide them over until the checks come in from customers. Combine all of the companies in various financial situations and you can see that the situation could have a snowball effect on the entire economy.