Driveshaft question:

I am replacing my u-joints (7260...small) with the next size up (7290...larger), and am wondering about driveshaft length.

The center section I will be replacing at the time of this swap (a 3.55) has the 7260 yoke, and the front yoke is also a 7260-size.

I have a 7290 front slip-yoke to use, and the 4.10 center section I'll be installing will have the 7290 yoke already on it.

A new driveshaft will, of course, be required.

So, my question is:

Is the center-to-center distance from the front u-joint to the rear u-joint going to change whan I change u-joints?

I think not; the only reason for it to change would be if the distance from the companion flange to the center of the u-joint on the two different rear yokes was not the same... and, I don't believe it is different.

I can't imagine that it would (change), but I thought I'd ask, anyway.

Does anyone have any information to the contrary?

My hope is that I can get a new driveshaft made with the identical u-joint to u-joint dimensions, old-to-new.

It's probably an unnecessary step to take (changing to larger u-joints), but I have to DRIVE home from the drag strip, and as we all know; a chain is only as strong as its weakest link....

Now; has anybody ever sheared off the lugs on a SBP 8.75" rear axle????:angry7:

I hadda ask.... lol!

Bill, in Conway, Arkansas (60 miles from the nearest REAL drag strip.... and IT is only 1,000 feet...)