im wasting space on here, but......

Good to hear 318.

I married my highschool sweetheart, almost 20 years now and it seems like yesterday we got married even though we have 5 kids and have really never taken a break and did anything for ourselves.
A trip to home depot or wal mart is like a great date for us but we ain't complaining.

She straightened me up real quick after we started dating in school and I ditched some bad friends that were dragging me down real quick and never looked back.
Now most of those friends are either dead, in jail, or just plain losers with nothing to show for.

The keys to a good relationship, in my opinion of course, is communication, teamwork, goals, and God.

If you are not on the same page,it will not work.

I have also noticed that God answers prayers as crazy as it may sound to some, I have had many small miracles in my life by just asking for God's help while we were young and struggling to make ends meet.

For instance, I needed a transmission for my car and I just had a firstborn child and had barely enough money to pay the bills.

I found a cheap transmission for $300.oo, but I had no money to pay for it, and nobody could lend me the cash so i prayed about it for days, the suddenly got a check in the mail for $300.00 as a compensation for victims of violent crimes paid to me by the state because my Dad, months earlier, asked a man about it in the hospital as I was recovering from a beating i received from an angry mob, long story.

Neither I , nor My Dad knew we had a chance to get any money for this.

This is just a small example of what God can do.

Some call it karma, some call it coincidence, I call it grace,and have seen alot of it when my heart is in the right place.

Treat that girl right and with respect 318, impress her Dad, otherwise he may kill you, best advice I can give there.
Never smart off to her Mother, otherwise he may kill you, and never smart off to her in fron of him,.......otherwise he may kill you. ha, ha.

Take this from a Father of five teenage girls who loves God, but also is very in touch with his human side, and will kill for his Wife and kids.