Bent car?

If it had been a rice burner, it would have been toasted.
I replaced the spindle, upper control arm and lower ball joint. The alignment guy was able to it set back up. The camber and caster is little different than before but we are dealing with a 30-year-old driver here that has been through some hard times. Plus I am using a different person since my previous guy is gone somewhere else. I told him just so it goes straight and doesn’t chew up the tires, I’m happy. (Only .2 out of specs on camber driver’s side and since the front end is higher than specs that might be the reason. 15-inch tires).
This was a dead on hit of a concrete island. Probably at 45 MPH. So that says something about how good these cars are. You can see where other people have been whacking them. They only recently put them in and never painted them. NO sticks up or anything. It is not a good design and you have to sort of swerve when you go though the intersection to miss them. I was going to stop and take a picture and try and get restitution like someone suggested. But GUESS WHAT. Not less that two weeks after I hit it, they a have painted them. So I didn’t get a picture. I went by the county office with the “evidence” and got the run around.(See rims, it is worse that it looks. I straightend the rear to try and keep air in the rear tire. Didn't work.) The county and the DOT both pointed fingers at each other. That’s a waste of my time and not worth the hassle since I don’t have any pictures of the islands before they were painted.
But my a$$ hole puckers up now when I go by them. I can still feel the impact.

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