Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

I'm a hugh dog lover,what is in your shirt i would'nt call a dog,and if it some how got loose in the mall would probably be mistaken for a big rat...so to be on the safe side it should stay at home..

LMAO. Stroked 340, you get the "Best Response" award.

Parish Hilton? That's a low blow.

Chihuahua are different. They are very sensitive (like me) and suffer when seperated from the one person that they bond too.
danmc77 you may be a dog person, but you sir obviously no nothing about chihuahuas.
Thank you. You make the mall point better than I could. The puppies in the mall are confined. Not roaming lose.
My "rat" is confined. No problems. Removing her from my shirt is like trying to pry a sea creature from it's shell.
Your horse (mastif), on the other hand would do quite well in memike's Tractor Supply Store.
Perhaps look for some vermin while there.
I'm a very respecful person, when necessary.
You may have missed it, but government zero tolerance silly-ness isn't hard to find.
That is what happens when the rule nazis take over. Is it some type of compensation for people not having common sense?

Wisconsin: A sixth-grader gets suspended because of a science project. The project involved cutting an onion. He brought a kitchen knife to school. Bad sixth-grader.

Georgia: Ashley is in the sixth grade. She loves Tweety Bird. She has her wallet on a Tweety Bird keychain. The government employees running her particular government school decide that her keychain is a weapon. She could strangle someone with it. (I guess ? if they had a neck the size of a pencil.) Ashley ? suspended.

Texas: This zero-tolerance idiocy comes from Ft. Worth. Cory Henson plays baseball on the Diamond Hill-Jarvis baseball team. In the trunk of his car is his baseball equipment, including aluminum bats. In the front seat of his car we have a souvenir baseball bat. It is made of wood and 8? long. That?s not as long as a piece of copy paper is wide. Ft. Worth government school officials decide that the 8? bat is a weapon! The real aluminum baseball bats aren?t. I wonder if these school officials know that virtually every car in the student parking lot has a weapon in the trunk. It?s called a lug wrench. Now If you want to clobber someone, which would you choose? The 8? wooden bat or the two-pound steel lug wrench?

Missouri: October of 2001. It is just a month after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. A fifth-grade student draws a picture of an airplane flying into a building. Suspended.

A third-grader has a brother serving in the Army in Afghanistan. The proud third-grader draws a picture of his brother. The drawing shows his brother with a gun. Suspended.