Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

My Wife takes our Yorkie everywhere, but she carries him in a purse type black shoulder bag that has mesh sides so he can breathe and nobody knows he is there unless he makes some noise, and it's sometimes embarassing because she starts saying "No!, you can't do this here!" or "You're not gonna start this now, no!" and people look at her like she's nuts or that she yelling at me...LOL!
He growled at a checkout guy once, and startled him, but he cracked up when he realized why her purse scared the crap out of him, ha, ha.

I really don't see a big deal if the pup is in one of those bags, but stuffing it into your jacket with all that hair just looks plain nasty like you are a homeless dude and the pup may be your next meal for all they know.

Dude, no offense, but I doubt if I would let you into my establishment either looking like that, that's pretty nasty....LOL.

None taken. The picture doesn't do us justice. It was just for illustration.
I have a "ratty" leather bag she goes in during the hot weather. But the shirt is warm in the winter. Yes, out of sight is the key. Sort of like carrying conceled weapons. The gun is fine as long as no one sees it. You aware of this? The cops get all anal if they SEE the gun. Go figure.
