Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

"Yep, except that she doesn't yap.
It's the little screaming rug rats in public that get me.
"The Breeders" as they might be called.
(Hey that's a good name for a punk group),
What ever happened to "children should be seen and not heard".
Must be showing my age.
Uh Oh."

This sums it all up right here - "my little FooFoo is clean and well behaved and should be allowed in any establishment. Your children, on the other hand, are nasty and irritate me (and make my little FooFoo nervous)". Ever have kids, I'd bet no but could be wrong. Do yourself a favor, go away, come back and re-register with a new name and stay with automotive topics to avoid reactions like these.

PS Got two dogs myself and love 'em to death, but I got my priorities straight.