Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

either way. walmart is bad and anyone who shops there is an idiot. sorry thats just how i feel.

My wife and I have a small dog and he is a member of our family, but he stays in the car when we shop or dine out. Not everyone is an animal lover and we would not try to force our views on others.

We shop at Wally World because, for us it is necessary. In our small town with two food stores which are owned by the same family, we have a choice to shop near home for stale fruits, veggies, breads, out dated milk etc. or drive 30 miles to Wal Mart. Same situation for dry goods, hardware or auto parts. We are not idiots. Where would you shop if these were your options? Yes we are from a rural area of Ky. and it seems a lot of posters have been making jest of the fly over states lately. That's fine though, we consider ourselves fortunate not to be living on the left or right coasts.