Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

We have a Wal-Mart in the rural area of town which still sells guns.

We have another one 5 miles away in an area that makes you feel like you are a stranger in your own country comprized mainly of Arabs that give you dirty looks and smell like arm pits....sorry, true.

We call it the red neck Wal-Mart and the Jihad Wal-Mart.

Now they just built a brand new one in the center of the two other one's, and they only sell BB.Guns, freaking sissies, but that's okay, I'd rather get mine at a gun store or gun show, than to go through all the bullcrap from trying to buy a gun at wal-Mart because they treat you like a criminal and escort you to the door like you are gonna shoot the place up immediately after purchase.

I understand they have certain policies, but this is just plain rediculous and really sucks living in a wussified America.