Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

I am amazed what this thread has turned into.

Adriver I commend your cantor throughout. Some of the comments have been brutal. Cheers to you.

Now I am thinking about this and just have a question or two. Lets go back to your first post. I am curious if you were just pissed because someone told you "no". I know that in some instances that I have been told things I get mad and raise hell just because it inconvenienced me. All the sudden Wal-mart sucks and blah blah blah. The thing is you say it sucks and post a bunch of negative things about them.....yet you were indeed going their to buy Fido a sweater. Correct ? So is the hate for Wal-mart just bred because they told you "no" ???? I am curious if you took the little dog to a fancy eating establishment if they said "no" how you would react then ?? Would you start telling and yeling about how bad that place is ?? If you read the door stickers on almost 99% of establishments it says "no shirts, no shoes, no service" I suppose that maybe they should add " no pets " as well.... I wonder if you would have any place to shop then ?? Sometimes a negative experience that affects us burns in us enough to make a thread and start bashing on some establishment or whatever. Truth is.... if you hate Wal-Mart that bad you wouldnt have been going there in the first place. Right ?

You have every right as well as anyone to post your feelings, I am just wondering what produced them.

Overall we all have differences. This is what makes FABO if we all were the same it would be boring as all hell.