Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

I think one reason for wal-mart hate is the fact that once you see them pop up, it pretty much means the beginning of the end for your small town, small hardware stores, mini farms and pretty tracts of undeveloped land.

The community I live in was really pretty ten years ago with all of this, now there are literally 4 wal-Mart stores within a 5 mile stretch of road, the community is the nations fastest developmental area, and I'm sortof thankful that the housing market slowed down because it seems developers were just foaming at the mouth like wolves at the door waiting to buy up, srtrip the soil, and lay down asphault on any and every piece of land that the owners felt the need to cash in on.

Just way too much population.
Too many illegals and cheap apartment communities going up EVERYWHERE, it is truly unfreaking believable how much poplulation poured into this area in the last 10 years.

I truly feel like a stranger in my own country.