Christmas Gift Help?

Hell, I never have any trouble coming up with a list for me. The problem I have is getting something for my wife. This girl is to practical. She has no interest in jewelry or perfume, cloths are out of the question they always get taken back, not interested in a day at the spa. One of my relatives suggested plane tickets to somewhere warm. If she wants to go somewhere warm I, I can take her downstairs and turn on the fire place. Still have a few days left to think of something.

Sparky, How about a watch for your wife. Practical, but won't put you in the doghouse like a vacuum.....:sign5: See "doghouse" thread in the joke forum if you haven't already.

I consider it a practical piece of jewelry. You can spend as little or as much as you like. Maybe have the back engraved with a special date or something.........;-)