Christmas Gift Help?

Sparky, How about a watch for your wife. Practical, but won't put you in the doghouse like a vacuum.....:sign5: See "doghouse" thread in the joke forum if you haven't already.

I consider it a practical piece of jewelry. You can spend as little or as much as you like. Maybe have the back engraved with a special date or something.........;-)

Thanks for the suggestion, she has a couple of those she already that
doesn't wear. Hope I'm not making it sound like she is hard to get along with, its the complete opposite. She just thinks it is silly to spend money on things she does not need just for the sake of getting as gift. I just feel bad about not finding some fantastic gift that would knock her socks off, she said the fact that I want to get her something special was a gift in it self. :love7:We are shopping for a new car for her right now, sort of a gift I guess. I'll come up with something soon, she did mention a bird bath for the yard that she saw today, I'll checking on that Monday morning.