Changed my oil, Now it smokes

Why does something so simple end up being a problem. First i dran the oil and pull the filter. Simple. The oil that came out was full of fuel from my earlier carb problems. I should have changed it MUCH sooner but didnt. Then I go to put my new filter on (K@N) and it wont go on. I messed around with this thing for 20 minutes before I relized the old filter gasket was stuck on the block.

So filters on, drain plugs back in, I fil it up with 4 fresh quarts of oil plus a half quart in the filter. Pull the coil wire and crank it over a few times till I have some pressure. Then I put the coil wire on and start it up. 50psi at an idle. Right back were its always been. It was around 20psi the last few times I drove it.

I let the car run for a bit and notice blue smoke puffingout of the drivers side muffler. Great, looks like I hurt something.

Why would it smoke now that it has fresh 20/50 in it and not before when the oil was more gasoline ? Looks like I have no choice but to try my new compression guage out. :argue: