Manual to power box options

I live in the US and he lives near and works at Schiphol Airport. He will be making all the arrangements for shipping after the car is done. He's lived there since 87 after getting out of the US Air Force. My wife and I visited him in '06 and are going back this coming June - he is getting married to a very nice Dutch lady - 1st for him 2nd for her. We're looking forward to visiting again.

Congrats, where in the US do you live? I spent from '95 to '04 in MA and my family lives there still. I was born here and have also met a very nice dutch lady and that's what's keeping me here for now...

Feel free to send me a pm with your email, if there's anything I can do to help with your trip etc. I'm sure you've got it all covered but you never know ;)

Perhaps you could even attend one of our modest Mopar/US car meets, I haven't been yet but I hear good things...
