Anyone using Lokar kickdown cable?

This is a good subject, got quite a bit heated over a year ago, when I asked someone to explain ?? why the over travel spring in the stock 727/904 linkages sometimes, yet not always . An expert chimed in with an obviously (to me) wrong answer, but bottom line is we never did learn what factory intended here..for sure..with that spring. It is ALWAYS in hi po setups. Case was a 67 dart slant with a mix of nonstandard parts ended up with slant stock linkage (?from another year?) with an overtravel spring in it. But some manuals show 67 dart 6 with no spring, fixed link. Now, either the spring lets trans lever bottom out forward at transmission and carb opens more after that, or it bottoms out at trans when carb closes before carb closes, as travel at carb is more than at trans lever , with that spring linkage..and makes sense to me, if line pressure goes up with throttle opening, and forwrad lever movement the spring lets it get fully up at say 75 % of WOT..a good thing with a Hemi, say. A good thing period, say, again. But shop manual talks about setting it so trans lever is against rear stop with closed throttle, also makes sense, but ONLY if you have the spring in there, to let it get to WOT . What happens w LOKAR? either the travel of carb and lever have to match exactly, or full Line P is not reached until WOT exactly . Only LOKAR I have is not on 727 (brand X) w/o spring. Does your LOKAR have an over travel spring provision? It seems to me it needs a spring for hi po. There is a huge an mount of BS around all this, lots of hot buttons and wrong ideas, but instead of "how to set it" ,I hoped understanding what it is doing will lead to right way to set it up. That is what i wanted to find out..what are they trying to do? There may also be different ratios on carb holes to accommodate spring ability to over travel , but it would seem the spring and rapid davance of lever will get you higher speed shifts sooner than no spring, and harder shifts at 60% throttle. But others say, no, same ratio, but spring is a way to avoid adjusting WOT position of trans bottoms out , w full line pressure before WOT with a spring.. Hey they used it on all Hi PO from factory, why not on LOKAR? Make one for LOKAR , compression spring at throttle lever on trans, lets trans bottom out full pressure, while carb keeps opening...