What are you guys paying for NOS fill?

Here's what I like about nitrous.

You can run it or not (assuming you don't have some crazy nitrous converter). Meaning, you can have a more docile street-friendly setup and still run some decent ETs at the track. Or, you can build a more stout combination and maybe run a little faster than your safety equipment allows when you get the itch, but can still enjoy your car without all the added BS the rest of the time.

It isn't affected by heat and humidity the way blowers (and NA to a lesser extent) are. If you bracket or index race, a blower is not the way to go.

It doesn't add a great deal of complication to working on the engine (like a blower).

Nitrous launches are more fun (but harder on parts) than blower launches.

Its true that the blower is there whenever you want it, and the nitrous only runs when the bottle is warm and full, but there's an advantage there too. My blower cars have been fast enough that you never actually get to drive the damn thing unless its at the track. You have to tiptoe on the gas pedal around town, and if you ever try to really use that power you just blow the tires off. From my experience a slower over-all car at 80% throttle is way more fun than a really fast car at 20% throttle.
