What are you guys paying for NOS fill?

this is a very cool arguement ,I have often thought about throwing a 150 kit on my 318 just for those occasions when it's needed I drive the car on the street to often to turn it into a drag car but the cam makes it sound a little badder than it is , just this morning some geezer in a faguar smoked me at a light downtown -caught me dreaming while I was checking out a girl who just walked across in front of me { sweet bum on her } -with the 323 rear end I'm not catching him before the next light with a half an intersection headstart on me but an extra 150 might turn the tables and let me make it up , I'm going to definately stroke this motor but still an extra 150 at the push of a button for a couple of hundred bucks instead of thousands is pretty tempting maybe i"ll do both . If your in Victoria watch out for an 80 maliboat it's got 450 on motor and almost as much nos bone stock looking right down to the hubcaps and he'll tell you call me a baby all day just pay me my money loser and we'll go again if your not broke yet