Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

I have a friend who has chiahouas, in fact they breed them and sell them. Most are very mild and even tempered dogs, but some are nasty, yappy, and bite etc. How do the store owners differentiate beetween these ones and the good ones? Would you take someone's word on this? How about if you took your dog to a house where there was a bad mannered dog there and the owner said that no, he won't hurt your dog, would you trust him? This is what these stores base this decision on, a dog or any pet will react to anyone differently including kids, other pets etc. when they are in that situation.
On the other hand, service dogs are extensively trained in this area and are socialised to all of these potential circumstances before they become service dogs, and are marked as such, as well as harnessed properly. You say one of your dogs is a service dog, so you should know this.
I love our two small dogs, and the wife shares your opinion somewhat, but we have had our share of mishaps in a store and we no longer take them in or we leave them at home. The seporation anxiety angle you profess is a lot of hogwash if you train them right, that goes for any pet. period. If you can't leave them alone for a few hours, and the're traumatised by this, it's a training thing just like kids.
On another point, why do people need to carry concealed weapons in stores? I just don't get it? Let me know.
Finally, what's the matter with shopping at Wal-Mart? So they are big and i've seen all of the statistics stated earlier, so it's no surprise that they can compete and beat most people's prices because they buy in staggering volumes compared to the smaller stores. I thought that it was the (North) American way to compete, undercut, and squash the competition, what's everyone complaining about? I would rather buy from a small business myself, but if they can't come within 20% of the cheapest price weather it is Wally World or somewhere else, what choice do i have? Money is money.
That's reality, and that's business. Why else do we shop online or try to haggle the guy down that's trying to sell a car or parts on this site or anywhere else?
Are we all hyppocrites? I guess some are.
You decide.
Just my 2 cents. I'm sure i'll hear about it!