Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

swinger 340,
I’ll let you know if the BW switch works. The Duralast worked. But just barely.

dietz diggler,
Now that was a good post. And not at all too long.
Unlike this whole thread.
I don’t carry the dog often. Just the occasional trip. (see below). You point is well taken that it is unusual to have a Chihuahua with me. But so is your Mopar. And you must admit that having a dog with you is NOT unusual. And people taking dogs with them in the car or having them in public for that matter is not odd. Glad for the entertainment. People should lighten up. Calling me “angry” as some have might be a trick.
And speaking of treats, beware of dog treats made in China (Thanks again Wal-Mart). Considering what they put in people food from there, no telling what is in the dog treats.

Hijack and drive on Bro.

And now to the rest.
This was a multi pointed post. It helps to be able to hold more than one concept at a time.
Or one can be confused.
Maybe even call it gibberish. (If that is your goal.)

Ok, off the top of my head.
Could be wrong.
One person thinks all post must be automotive related.
(Or at lest he doesn’t like this topic and slam it because of that. And being a newbie hasn’t seen some of the automotive relate quarrels)
One person gets upset because this thread is not about a serious subject.
(There’s a political forum but some people don’t like that. And this thread doesn’t contain a serious topic?)
One person gets upset because they glue their brain to the part about taking dogs into stores.
(Pay real close attention to the title and don’t read into it or change the words).
One person only sees it as an anti-Wal-Mart post and ignores the dog facet.
And then people besmirch my honor about motive.
(When all else fails, go ad hominem.)
Can’t make everyone happy.
Except with a T and A **** post.
I did see the F bomb in a post recently. Everyone thought that was a cool picture. I had seen it already. Old news. Wasn’t even that funny. Just crude.
What happened to keeping it fairly clean? I have some good ones to post.
Opps, never mind.

Warning to newbies: This board is sort of like a club.. Or perhaps it would be better to compare it to a pack. There is a pecking order. Don’t get out of your place in the hierarchy. Or sniff the wrong rear.
That’s not to say it’s not a great board. Best there is. It works on the honor system.
People should be treated with respect is the rule. But beware. Controversy can cause problems for the mods..
And in this world, people do bait you. You can get booted.
And not unjustly from what I have seen.
For those of you paying attention you’ll notice that someone thru a snit and left. Now the surrogates might show up. And I won't beat the same dead horse. Or beat a dog at all.

Sorry to have to point it out again.
The first time it was put differently for a different answer.
Chihuahua’s are sort of like special needs children. Being small is different. The Westminster Kennel people recognize this. They have to be touched differently in show. They don’t understand “heavy handed treatment”.
Imagine a world, if you will, in which pretty much everything is bigger than you.
And can either step on you or eat you.
How would you act? You bond with something big to protect you.
And you are cautious of everything.
The family member this dog was bonded to recently died. (Not looking for sympathy. Just the fact.) So I’m letting her be with me. To bond.
“Silly” reasoning to some.
And just a part of it.