Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

And just to refresh one’s memory if it seems “fishy” and someone want to take something out of context.
“Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart.”

It’s simple.
“No Pets”.
No dogs.
No cats.
No little boys carrying frogs.
No gold fishes.
No turtles.
No gerbils. (There’s a loaded one. See “the bottom” of this post.).
Zip, Nada, Nothing.
Pockets will be checked.

But if a persons has SARS, Swine Flue. Come on in. That’s ok.
(Fleas and body lice tolerated if non-pet type.)
You will comply. We have the market. After all we ARE WAL-MART.
(Would working with the Chinese to dump TV’s on the American market count?)

This post is sort of for you. Sorry, I don’t have time to go into the “right of self defense” question you asked. (I don’t think those were your exact words. But there is the concept. Not a simple issue either. Do people like to find technical faults in testimony just to prove a case?) Maybe someone else can follow up. Hard to say what category things fall under sometimes. Wouldn’t want to get “POLITICAL” here.
But “competition” is a loaded word and should be researches. (Like a gun).
Video appropriate to this thread on SO many levels. (And "sissy").