So what happens if you keep the old /6 rear end after 360 swap?

That,s funny,but I think I got one on ya.My 8 1/4 behind a 450hp 340,4 speed.I launched off the line in and hit 2nd gear and ka-thunk,ka-thunk,ka-thunk.I thought I blew a ujoint cause of the repeated sound and then wham!Looked out the window,and there goes my wheel with 1/2 the axel still attached.Well I,ll tell ya I touched cloth in my shorts!LOL!Thank god I didn,t cavein my 1/4 panel(no c-clip eliminators)Now have 8 3/4 4.10,s.A 71/4 would be like riding on toothpics with a 300-350hp 360.When it goes,you could do some serious damage!Don,t even attempt it!!My 2 cents.

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