Need your opinion...72 duster..worth it?

The purple car will need a lot of bodywork. By the time the outside looks like that, the stuff underneath is GONE. If that kind of work doesn't scare you, fine. I would wait for a nicer one though.

Thanks for the feedback.

Truthfully, not sure if it would scare me or not......But it does turn me off a bit I guess. IF I am going to have to do major body work and a repaint (for at least the back half of the car) would rather start with an original.

Strange thing is that what the pictures show is a decent undercarriage....(don't they?)...although it seems that there is undercoating. I know that you can spray on undercoating to hide a lot of issues.... Could there be issues lurking under that stuff even if its original undercoating? Was undercoating common in 72?

The trunk floor was replaced and there was that 8" hole in the passenger front floor that was yeah, there were some issues there.....

I guess if I am this much "on the wall" it would be best to wait and see if another comes along.

I would MUCH rather work with something that is original or close, versus having (at least) two other owners making it a "project car" and then not idea for sure what has really been done, or not done.

What I need is a true "barn find" ....LOL....something that is original and has not been molested in any rust and selling cheap (can someone define cheap for me, realistically?) by someone just looking to get rid of it.......and that is close enough for me to drive to.

........I probably have a better chance of hitting the lottery, eh? :angry7:

I was checking out the "'rescued cars" thread and was amazed at how beautiful some real wrecks were made.....wish folks would have listed what they paid for them.....would give a noobie like me something to base my search on.