Atten: Guitarist - need your opinion

Tell him to keep it! He'd be crazy to sell that unless he gets top dollar and/or doesn't like the sound that amp/cabinet produces. The Boogie is a versatile amp, many tones can be achieved with it and that cabinet has Celestions in it - 'nuf said. Looks like a killer combo. The Boogie head is worth a lot if it's in good condition, which it looks like it is. Perhaps check Ebay and compare prices. The other choices won't sound anything like what he has now, for sure. The Vox amps have a more 'thin' tone, kinda OK for a specific sound like early British Invasion. Nowhere near the Boogie for overalll tone. The Deville is kind of a modern take on a tweed with overdirve. Not real great, good for small gigs or practice. The Orange is just a straight up hard rock amp like a Marshall, he'd be better off with the Boogie for overall tone. The Boogie is 100W it's got plenty of balls.