Diet to quit smoking

Memike. You just explained me to a T. You are not alone.:angry7: I am 39 and have been smoking a pack a day or more since I was 16. I am feeling the same way. No energy and no reason to get off the couch on the weekends. I go the 19th of Jan. to get my long overdue wisdom teeth jerked out and am going to quit cold turkey. I have tried many of times with no success. If it will give me my energy back I am all for it. 6'3 and 235 will turn into 260+ I am afraid.

Racerex1, I will stay in touch and we can do this together.
I can think of allot better things to spend my money on :-D
I think a nice 4 wheeler will fit the bill for me. :-D
I have never owned one ,But have enjoyed them allot.
Get them two teeth pulled and lets put these nasty things out of our life
for good, I am so tired of looking to make sure I have a liter and a pack in my pocket before I go anywhere. I was raised around smokers my hole life and the tv showing off how cool it was to do sure did not help any.:angry7:
But we know better know. :clock: