Exhaust gasket replacement failure.

"Next, you'll want to carefully prepare the surfaces for the new metal inter-manifold gasket. The current stamped steel replacement gaskets are poorly designed and tough to persuade to make a good seal so clean and file flat the contact areas. The old, long-obsolete "problem solver" gasket (a thicker metal-asbestos-metal sandwich material gasket http://www.slantsix.org/articles/manifold-install/inter-close.jpg) was much better at sealing a worn and pitted surface. My experience has taught me that unless you have reground these surfaces or have a brand new intake and a brand new exhaust manifold, this all-metal gasket simply will not seal on a worn surface. This is the place to use High Temp. RTV Silicone. I use copper high-heat RTV from the parts store or Chrysler Mopar High-Temp RTV to help ensure a seal"

If you cant find the "problem solver" gasket try some of that copper gasket spray on both sides of the crappy thin metal one. Let it ste up and spray it on thick and give it a few coats each side. I have done this in the past with pretty good luck.