Very Proud Of Memike

Hey Mike, I smoked for 43 years. Yeah, I started at 14 years old in junior high school. I even got caught smoking in my office after it was banned. I had a good government job and could have gotten fired for that. Anyway, I finally got my head right and just quit----cold turkey. I had tried several times before and it got worse each time. It's a mind thing Mike. I decided to take it "one" cigarette at a time. Just put it back in the pack and wait ten minutes....the urge will pass. Thirty minutes we go again.....wait ten more minutes. It worked but I will be honest, it was pure hell. My friends even teased me by blowing smoke in my face. I still wanted a smoke after two years. I still have the "emergency glass vile" that someone gave me. It has a cigarette and match sealed in a glass tube. Inscribed on the outside it reads---In case of emergency, brake glass. I still have it in my desk drawer. I will send it to you if you like. It really helped with moral support. It's been almost ten years and now I can't stand to be near cigarette smoke. Funny how we can change. You can do it.......mind over matter. Good luck, David