Electrical vs. Mechanical Gauges

That's what irritated me. Summit usually has everything that is listed for the item you are buying or looking to purchase. I didn't see that the speedo sensor came with my Auto Meter MCX gauges so I added it to the list. I found out upon delivery that the gauge comes with a speed sensor. That might be the same case as the Pro Comp electric speedo you was looking to purchase. I even went to Auto Meter site and it didn't indicate that the sensor came with the gauge, but it did have a section "recommended parts". I should have called Summit to make sure... it's my fault. But you would think that they would have things like that cleared up so there wouldn't be any confusion. I shipped the sensor back and got a refund. :angry7:

Good information to know.
That would have irritated me slightly if I had done the same because they didn't described included items.