cam choice

There was a link posted a little while back to a discussion on another forum where the guy who designed the Voodoo line posted back-to-back comparisons with cam profiles from other manufacturers, in particular the Comp XE line. In numbers the gains were small (usually about 10 or so HP over the comparable cam); the torque band was also broader and flatter with the Voodoo's. It's not that much of a difference (the Comp's are still perfectly fine), it's just the Voodoo's have a slightly better profile over the other fast-ramp cams.

Of course he is going to say his cam is better...He designed them ! LOL

Seriously, I have heard good things about Voodoo cams. I just happen to be a Comp fan.

Either way we are both very close number wise.

To the poster,I suggest you call your choice in cam's tech line,give them your set-up, and let them pic your cam. Thats what they do for a living. Again, I bet we are very close.