Electrical vs. Mechanical Gauges

I came across those gauges in my initial research on gauges, but I was concerned that they are not exactly a household name. They also don't seem to make a speedo or fuel level gauge. Glad to hear that you had success with them, but in the end, I was too chicken to go with anything but Auto Meter.

I just received the majority of my ES gauges: Speedo, Tach, Water Temp (all full sweep) and oil pressure and voltmeter (short sweep). I still need to pick up the fuel level gauge, and since I'm running a turbo, I need a pyrometer and a boost gauge. I'll add a pic when I have everything installed in my Redline Gauges gauge pod.

I just sent them a message to find out why they don't list a speedo and fuel level gauge. They have everything else. I may still use them for everything but the speedo and fuel level, if they are not available. We'll see.
We need to talk about our projects. I'm doing a twin turbo 318 build. Still in the planning stages.:snakeman: