Other hobbies?

How is it that there are so many Canadians here, and not one person has mentioned hockey yet?!! I have played in an adult roller hockey league for the last 6 or so years - sorry ice guys, I'm in PA, and we only have ice in the winter, and the indoor stuff is too damn exspensive.

I also love keeping and maintaining aquariums - saltwater, cichlids, planted tanks, breeding, etc, etc.

Love WWII vintage and assault wepons - collecting and shooting when I can get some spare time. (anybody know where to shoot a 1919 and a 1917 watercooled in the PA area? still haven't shot them in almost 10 years!! Also have a 1928 Thompson, and an Uzi - also unfired).

I love spending time w/ my wife of 3 years and my 2 kids.

What's this "adult roller hockey league"? Naked hockey?