OLD car/truck parts wanted

I got a buddy with a boneyard full of old cars. Problem is, he can't ship, can't pull them and has forgotten most of what he has.
He's got a '40 Doge front half and a '49 1ton front half in good shape. They could probably be had for $400 or less. I think he gets about $200 for a visor.
Your best bet is to come down and look.
where you/him located?

sounds like a fun rat rod. I have a couple friends completing their rods right now. one is a 37 Chevy cab, V8 5 speed and he needs headlights too. He is running 59 Cadillac taillights, very kool looking bullet lenses. I will have a set of 50 Buick taillights available soon, but I don't think they would look very good on a rat rod. The other rat rod is a old t-bucket stretched with a 50 cadillac motor, 59 caddy taillights and roadster after-market headlights. Have you looked at what jeggs has to offer?

check out my friends (the second one) here:
got a pic of the 50 buick tails? if i can find something cool, ill make it work/look good lol. i was thinkin 59 caddy tails, but dont think theyd look good on it.