Diet to quit smoking

WTG ! Memike !

Hang in there you are a inspiration to me .

I am feeling all run down myself and I know that I need to stop smoking.

I have been smoking since I was 13 ( 42 now) I have had little success with any of the drugs. I have stopped cold turkey for up to 6 weeks but would have a few drinks and fall off from the wagon again then lite up.

Welbutrin made me so stoned I would get lost going to the store.
Cantrix made me sick and have awful nightmares
and the patch made my heart race so much I thought I was having a heart attack.

No one can stand me when I stop smoking. I am so hyper I cant stop moving I go from project to project and knock things out one after the other. . ....

I would rather get things done than just come home from work and pass out on the couch every night.

Will have to not drink or get in a position of weakness.

I feel like if I do not stop smoking now I will not see 50. I feel tired all of the time and I cant breath for crap. I am tired of smoking and I think they taste and smell like crap. I am just going to have to man up myself and put them down.

I will make my new start first thing tomorrow morning. and lets see how I do with it .
If I can make it for 2 months I think I can beat it . I have been considering quitting for the last few months just needed that last little shover over the hill.

I would like to be around for the grand kids and my boys. They are all on me pretty hard to stop.

I will post on my progress when I make it through day one. If I fail I will post as well and try to figure out how and why screwed up .

I will see how much new found Cuda money I can save.

Hang in ther Memike. I do not post too much here but I have been lurking here at the forum for years and I pretty much keep up on a lot of the posts here.
