Little $250 69 Valiant

So I was just reminded of "the good ol' days" and thought why not share a few stories from back then.
So one night soon after my motor was dropped in, I was headed for the outskirts of town with a girlfriend at the time and I was sitting at a gas station and a mid to late 70s Craparo pulls into the gas station. Of course we noticed each others cars and we happened to leave at the same time. Well we hit the light and are lined up. He revs it and I get smacked on the leg-------- "NO!!!" she says. As any typical jackass kid I just laughed at her. He revs again so I rev too. No she is sayin "you better not", I just chuckle and place a foot on each pedel. Now as the car is sittin at just under 3 grand and poised to strike she is screaming at me. GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are side ways!!! Damn too much throttle! I come out of it and this tank of a camaro is just barely ahead of me because the damn thing wasnt capable of spinning the tires I bet! well with in 100 yards of the light there was an over pass that raised up over the train tracks. As we crest the overpassIm pullin on him hard, and her screams went from Bitchin' at me to "go-go-go" As I passed this clown she is yelling "you beat him you beat him!" That crap was funny.
Ill have to add a few of these in here every once in a while! Its fun to think back on those times!