BEWARE of "PA Dart Guy"

This is a wake up call to anyone who is dealing parts. This sour economy and lack of money has netted some bad deals going around. I have been 'spanked' pretty good on a few myself lately and I have some crummy parts here to prove it.

Perhaps it is time to really look into a deal and make sure its all good prior to money exchanging hands. Sounds kind of paraniod but it is what it is. I dealt with what I thought were upstanding people who had some itegrity but found out I was a tad wrong in my assumptions. Things like this do happen from time to time but I wonder how many more people have had rotten deals in the recent past.

Enough about my rabble. I feel for you on this motor bud. Its your kid that is most the focus here. How does he feel about this whole thing? This mistake can be put to rest and the repairs can be made and it will all go away but what will your son get out of it in the end? Best of luck to you and I hope you guys can work through this and post a nice car with a big motor in the near future.