Rules for Non Military

well....I'm all for the do's & don't...what's propper and what's not but I notice you forgot one very important thing. The very rights which our guys & gals fight for are the very things you seem to want peoples "***'s kicked" for. FREEDOM & CHOICE!

Just a little something to think about.

I did. While it may be your right to fart, pick your nose, or jerk off in public, please don't subject the rest of us to the deed !!!

As far as standing and showing thanks and respect, the subtle method seems to work best for me; I leaned forward to two "gentlemen" at a recent racing event during the National Anthem and asked them to stand. After being subjected to a string of Ebonic oaths, I said, " some smelly ditch, in the middle of the desert, there's a kid who'd about sell his soul to be where you are. Give him a couple minutes. OK?" There was some discussion about *** kicking amongst the other fans and they did finally stand up.