Trapping help?

Cool that the other dog dragged it's buddy home like that.(Hero)!!

Maybe get yourself a dog cam for the black dog since he's obviously quicker, or smarter, than the red one that got the battlescars.(joke). Poor little guy.

I like the idea of the sardines, and a large, humane trap.
This way you can catch that sucker, (whatever it is) and let your dogs (especially the red one) watch as you poke the sucker through the cage with a sharpened stick, (about a million or so times) just to give "ol red" some satisfaction.
Then when the animal has no "bite" left in him, drag it out of the cage and let 'Ol red have a few gnarls at 'em.
That should do the trick.

Then hang the dead animal over a fence near the woods to send a message to any more of it's buddies that may have the same idea.

Yeah, I'm a sick pup, but sometimes you just gotta get sweet revenge.

We used to hang dead coyotes over the fence near the woodline to send a message to their buddies.