I am in a world of S#&T

It don't matter how you ice this cake, your *** is grass with her and she is too smart to fall for any smooth talk.
With wives, it's all about the numbers and the cars all look the same.

Well, if she is anything like my Wife, she will be furious with you for a couple days and you will have to kiss her rear and do everything on the honey-do list that she has been compiling for the last three years without you knowing, and she will of course, throw this and averything you have ever done wrong in your face until you feel like the underside of a pond sucking leech, you may also have to sit back while she buys each of the kids a new cat because you hate cats, and then she will have to point out just how much money she makes in relation to yours thus further making you feel like the underside of a pond sucking leech, then after a couple days of this, groveling at her feet, until the point where you get so disgusted that you feel like either driving you new Barracuda off of a cliff to make her happy or you tell her that you are a big boy now and you can make decisions on your own and that she needs to chill out, say a prayer, take a deep breath and count her blessings that the Gods will smile on her again as you business will pick up, the food will be on the table and the bills will get paid.

Either that and flip the barracuda as fast as you can, sell the duster also, sell the contents of your garage and everything you have collected througout the years concerning your mopar hobby, become a mindless working stiff that lives for nothing else than to succumb to the behest of your extremely lovely Wife.

Then again, there is always divorce, but who the hell wants to go through that?