I am in a world of S#&T

Just Man Up and tell her!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, I just did exactly the same thing. We just moved in to a house from the city on January 1st with our 10-month old, so things were all sorts of upside-down in our family. I had sold my Valiant about a month before so I had some 'car money' burning a hole in my pocket. It was KILLING me not to have a ride, it's like I was missing a part of my body or somthing. She knew I was on the hunt for a new project as soon as I sold the other one but she asked me to wait until things settled down after the move to make sure we didn't need any extra cash for an emergency. What? Wait? Why? One night she went out for a few hours. I bought my Dart on Ebay. Told her the next day. Nothing happened really, except for me doing exactly what she asked me not to do. No fight, no screaming. What I do know though is she filed it away for future ammunition. Kind of shitty on my part, no way to justify what I did, but I did it. Not my brightest moment.

Made sure I sold a whole bunch of parts right after, did pretty well. Ended up spending very little on the car. I tried to rationalize that buying a car that didn't need restored may save me money in the end. Still probably not the right thing to do.