Question for PA folks: Thru-the-fender exhaust legal?

Just for the record, I thought 2400 miles a year was the limit on a Antique plate. Also if a car is not stock, they do have the right to take antique plate away. Just do cause any problems on the street.
No milage limit for classic or antique tagged cars - in addtion, the code states: "...maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformance with manufacturer specifications." That means it can be modified, but not such that it's not recognizable as the original design. So you can swap engines, built it up to 1000hp, change tail lights, remove molding, etc. But if you are running a tube-chassis car w/ a lexan (or whatever it is) funny car one-peice body, I'm pretty sure they would consider that not in conformance w/ the manufacturer.

Here's the actual PA Vehicle Code:

Edit: BTW, the ONLY time you would have a night-time restriction, is on an antique-tagged vehicle that does not conform to PA lighting requirement laws - which is legal on an antique car, but the headlights have to be present.