W2 Blower Manifolds?

Thanks for interesting blower intakes :D

So here is few pics what we have done here with frends or by myself:
and little stories about what have happen ........

Thi first project is somekind of interesting too :D

its Ford diesel 2T blower, made 1936 :D

its now one of my frend duster, i make this work;

and first using offy 4 bbl intake, just have to weld littlebit, and make some macinework

more work............then

here is 2 offys, 4 bbl and 2 x 4 bbl

then just make few plates :D

this blowermodel is difficult, cannot buy any parts ready, so snoke have to do allso

and one of my frend make these parts costs some 500 usd :D

i dont have all pics but result is like this :D

So this continues........this is ford köln 2t blower :D